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26 Dec

Incentives and guarantees for foreign investors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

By:   Absher

Investing in the Kingdom's Vision 2030

Under Vision 2030, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is living a golden age that provides unprecedented investment opportunities, and the Ministry of Investment seeks, in light of the increase in these investment opportunities, to enable investors to access them, as the Ministry, through its headquarters and centers distributed throughout the Kingdom, is keen to provide the greatest possible facilities and flexibility in licensing procedures and investor service, by providing representatives from the relevant government agencies to clear the required procedures, in addition to providing support to investors during all stages of their work. From inception to the start of doing business.

Investor Journey

Each activity has its own journey, and to facilitate the start of the investment activity, the Kingdom was keen to help investors and took their hands step by step to start a business. It provided them with guidance on how to start a business in terms of the laws and licenses that must be obtained. To learn about the steps designed to meet all the basic needs of your investment license and related operational licenses, you can get a free consultation by contacting us.

Investment Principles and Policies in the Kingdom
Ensure equality between Saudi and non-Saudi investors, and between non-Saudi investors.
Ensure the protection of the property of all investments, in accordance with the regulations in the Kingdom.
Enhance the sustainability of investments, and take clear and transparent procedures to deal with investor complaints.
Providing investment incentives when needed, enhancing full transparency in granting them, and preparing a list of investment incentives and granting them, in accordance with general, clear and non-discriminatory criteria.
Maintaining environmental and social standards to ensure that Saudi and non-Saudi investors adhere to the rules of environmental health and safety as stipulated in the national laws, regulations, policies and international conventions to which the Kingdom has acceded.
Facilitate the procedures related to the entry and residence of non-Saudi technical and administrative employees, their families and residence, for the purpose of participating in activities related to foreign investment in accordance with the Kingdom's regulations and international obligations.
Transfer and localization of science and technologies resulting from foreign direct investment in accordance with the Kingdom's international obligations.

Incentives and guarantees for foreign investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
The foreign investor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall enjoy the incentives stipulated in Article 18 of the GCC Unified Industrial Regulation System, which includes allocating a suitable plot of land, leasing the industrial buildings necessary for the industrial project on incentive terms in the industrial zones established by the government, and providing electricity, water, fuel, energy and other facilities necessary for the project at incentive prices.
The foreign investor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the right to own the property necessary to practice the licensed activity, in addition to the investor's ownership of the property necessary for housing in it and the housing of workers in accordance with Article 1 of the Law of Foreign Ownership and Investment in Real Estate, provided that this is with the approval of the Saudi Ministry of Investment.
The foreign investor enjoys the benefits resulting from the agreements for the avoidance of double taxation and the agreements for the promotion and protection of investments concluded by the Kingdom with his country.
The sponsorship of the foreign investor and his non-Saudi employees shall be on the licensed establishment.
Benefit from the freedom to transfer shares between partners and others after the approval of the Saudi Ministry of Investment.

The foreign investor can benefit from the loans of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund in accordance with the second and fourth articles of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund Law, where the Fund finances 50% of the total financing required for the project or its development.
The foreign investor shall benefit from the tax incentives stipulated in the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (359) dated 26/11/1429 AH, as the decision includes the conditions for benefiting from tax incentives.

If you are interested in more details, use our dedicated team to ensure compliance with local legislation and facilitate the process safely.

To get a free consultation on the company formation procedures, you can contact us, we provide you with a team of consultants and subject matter experts to help obtain approvals and complete the procedures on your behalf.